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The Tale of Your Life: What 3M Teach Us

Where you understand life-changing meaning through other people's experience.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

What 3M Teach Us




Aren't there something missing?


One of the worst thing we do to our children is telling them what to do. Parents in my country which grow up under this culture tend to do the same to their children by excessively controlling what they do, like telling them what to see on the net and what not to see on the net.

These type of parents contradict themselves by thinking they are helping their children. They are actually destroying them. They think they are teaching their children to fish in a pond with fish they rare. Aren't it ridiculous?

Isn't it like teaching your kids to swim without letting them in the water? Is there reason like your kids are too small to float in water? Give me a break.

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