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The Tale of Your Life: Pride

Where you understand life-changing meaning through other people's experience.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


DNAs in all living creatures are similar with ours. Our chromosome is 80% in average similar with animals.

So, the mystery is solved. God did not make us look like him. It seems the other way round. We are the one that think he looks like us.

Why do you think our ancestors bring our level so high up among all creatures, near to god? We might be the intelligent one. We dominate the world. We destroy other people’s religion, which might also be god’s work while claiming it as god’s will. Do you really think all these bring us nearer to god? Or is it further?

The answer is pride. We cannot accept that we are wrong. We have to be right all the time, like we are god himself.

What if god makes animals our ancestors? What is so hard to let go? Is it our pride?

We do not behave like them is what most important. That’s all.

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