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The Tale of Your Life: Why is Working Life Sucks?

Where you understand life-changing meaning through other people's experience.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Why is Working Life Sucks?

The Matrix is right. Human will be satisfy and feel the illusion of freedom as long as they are given a choice.

What is the difference between staying at home doing whatever you like and go to work like a dog to earn that few penny? The first has the freedom to choose whatever they like to do; the latter does not have a choice but just to complete the work.

Being at home doing nothing or having a whole day free allows us to make choices on what we like to do today. Go to work means working to complete today's tasks without any other option.

That is why people say working life sucks. It is just the illusion of having choices or not.

2 wise person said:

Anonymous said...

some get their worth from working, both mentally and financially. choices are good sometimes we are not given an option. i worked in management until 39 yrs old, due to an illness have been home since. yes i have theluxury of being home, you have to reinvent yourself when it happens and it was not your decision. the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. take care.

Loong said...

thanx for the advise;)

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