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The Tale of Your Life: Sincerity

Where you understand life-changing meaning through other people's experience.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


According to Meriam-Webster, sincere means free of dissimulation,free from adulteration, marked by genuineness.

I think there is a special connection between human, especially in sincerity:

When we write sincerly, people read.

When we talk sincerly, people listen.

When we do sincerly, people follow.

When we sale sincerly, people buy.

When we are sincere, people feel it.

It is just so simple but many could not do it. They find it hard to be sincere to others. They afraid that people might heard their weak unsincere heart.

2 wise person said:

Anonymous said...

some people cant be sincere with themselves let alone others and yes they are scaredd to be caught in their unsincerity.

Loong said...

Yes, exactly:)

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